Sonntag, 29. März 2015

PhD completed :)

Thesis was submitted in December 2014 and PhD defense successfully completed on February 19th (with Sub auspiciis Praesidentis honours). An integration middleware for the Internet of Things is now online available.

Now off to South Korea working for Samsung IoT Solutions Lab in the Digital City in Suwon.

Big thanks to Netidee for supporting this thesis and especially to Ernst Langmantel, Monika Pink-Rank und Sandra Lettenbichler.

Samstag, 15. November 2014

Visiting Dizmo in Winterthur

After the nice Hackathon at the IoT 2014 conference Dizmo invitited me this week to their office in Winterthur, Switzerland to discuss potential cooperations and the combination of IoTSyS and Dizmo.

Thesis written and now under review

The PhD thesis "A communication stack and integration middleware for the Internet of Thing" is written and now under review by the PhD examiners.

IoTSyS at IoT 2014 Conference hosted at MIT Media Lab in Boston

In the beginning of October a very productive presentation of thesis results and the IoTSyS open source project at the IoT 2014 conference at the MIT in Boston was done.

Before the official conference start I participated in the IoT hackathon and linked IoTSyS to Dizmo, a very innovative IoT user control interface.

A short demo video illustrates the interface to Dizmo based interface to IoTSyS:

Dizmo liked the result so much that I received as special Hackathon price the 21" multi-touch monitor.

Afer the nice hackathon the main conference started on Monday, where I presented my full paper in the first technical session right after the keynote:

The relevance and impact of IPv6 multicasting for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks based on 6LoWPAN and Constrained RESTful Environments
Jung, Markus (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Raich, Philipp (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Kastner, Wolfgang (TU Vienna (Wien), Austria)

Big and interested audience with a lots of questions.

Monday afternoon Luyu Zhou presented the paper about IoTSyS for the demo session:

IoTSyS: an integration middleware for the Internet of Things    Markus Jung, Jomy Chelakal, Jürgen Schober, Wolfgang Kastner, Luyu Zhou, Nam Ky Giang (Institute of Computer Aided Automation Vienna University of Technology, Austria; Management Information System University of Technology of Troyes, France; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada)

The actual demo session took place at Wednesday afternoon and was a great opportunity to show IoTSyS in action.

Finally, there was also some time left for sight seeing and a weekend trip to New York.

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014

Visit of Anouk Wipprecht at Automation Systems Group

Thanks to the publicity of the IPSO challenge Anouk Wipprecht made a visit at our lab last week to get insights into our Internet of Things activities and the project. Was a pleasure to have her here! She also presented her amazing work on fashiontech ( Hope we can cooperate in future. 

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

Paper accepted at the 4th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2014) taking place October 6–8, 2014 at Cambridge, MA, USA

My paper titled "The relevance and impact of IPv6 multicasting for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks based on 6LoWPAN and Constrained RESTful Environments" was accpeted at the 4th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2014) taking place October 6–8, 2014 at Cambridge, MA, USA. It will be hosted by the MIT Media Lab, so I am already excited to go to this innovative and prestigious place.

The paper contains the simulation results of the IoTSyS stack and the evaluation of the IPv6 multicasting effect on the sensor network that is used by the IoTSyS group communication mechanism.

Different communication topologies have been evaluated regarding the effect on latency and memory size.

IoTSyS participated in the IoT challenge hosted by the IPSO alliance in Chicago at Sensor Expo 2014

IoTSyS made it to the finals of the IoT challenge. It was a very nice event in Chicago and very strong competitors. Several start-ups presented very innovative Internet of Things products and other universities (e.g. MIT) also participated. IoTSyS closely missed a top 3 place and was ranked number 4 of 10, which was a very nice result taking into account the strong competitors. The innovative concept of the project received a very positive response, main criticism point was the lacking market readiness as product.

The competition take place in parallel to the conference and all top 10 finalists had about 6 minutes to present the project and prototype to a selected experts commitee.
IoTSyS was demonstrated with a mobile IoT demo suitcase consisting of a home and building automation system based on heterogeneous technologies in a box + IPv6 enabled smart objects.
What made the event more a success, was the opportunity to present the project at the IoT pavilion at the sensor expo of the IPSO alliance with a table dedicated to IoTSyS.

The reach out was tremendous and several interested expo attendees stopped by and showed real interest in the project. So it was definitely a great opportunity to promote the open source project to a very high quality audience.
Finally, there was also some time left for sightseeing in Chicago :)