Dienstag, 18. März 2014

Paper presentation at IEEE International World Forum on Internet of Things in Seoul, South Korea, March 6-8

The paper presentation at the IEEE International World Forum on Internet of Things was a good opportunity to present first research results. I presented my work in a short paper session with an additional poster session and interesting discussions arise within the scientific community.
Conference Venue

Poster session

Poster session
Beside the conference visit, I had also the opportunity to visit the smart city district Songdo, Incheon. It shows how the buzzword "smart city" can become implemented and reality. More than 1.000 sensors and more than 100 cameras allow to address different domains (traffic, safety, security, environmental, ...). An impressive public control center allows to manage the public domain of the smart city district.
Songdo Smart City District - Incheon, South Korea

Songdo - Smart City Control Center
Songdo - Smart City Control Center

Cisco - Smart City Control Center Show Case
Finally, there was also some time left to explore the interesting cultural aspects of Korea.

Korea National Museum
Korean Tombs + Temples